Depending upon what you want for origionality you should be able to get a triple core copper with 3/8 X 3/8 tubes in using your origional top & bottom tanks. You could then probably run the stock fan and stock temperature thermostat (180?) (assuming the fan clutch is in good condition). I would run the A/C or Mildidon water pump and one of the superstat thermostats. If you switch to an aluminum radiator you may need an anode to keep corrosion under control. You might also have the radiator cap pressure tested to assure it is holding the specified pressure. Just my opinions.

I have a 67 Hemi car here in AZ with a simular set up with a 4 blade fan. It works really well as long as you are moving. When I am stopped after coming off the freeway, and it is a 100+ degree day, it gets up to about 1/2 way on the temperature gage but once I start moving it drops right off to about 3/8 of the way on the gage.