Superbyrd .... I'm not trying to hear what I want to hear I'm trying to get enough information to make a good decision. I thought that's what this forum was all about sharing information to help people not passing judgment. I don't want to waste money that I don't need to putting a motor together for a mild street cruiser that I'll hardly ever drive. I know I should just buy all the right parts and build the perfect motor for the car but if I can put a motor together using up parts I already have that would be great. I'm not going to put 10,000 miles a year on the car I'm not trying to build the fastest car on the planet I'm just building a car that me and my wife can jump in on a Saturday night go for a cruise and get a burger. I already have a couple fast cars that pretty much scare my wife and we can't hear each other talk ( maybe not a bad thing hahahha) when we're in them.