Does the pulley in the last pic (that's nearly touching the bolts) line up w the alt and the crank? If so only need a smaller dia wp pulley OR a smaller dia crank pulley (of the same depth). One of the two is made in a smaller dia (OE)as there's alot of em out there. If the pulley in the pic b 4 that has a dia that will work yes you can easily press the cross in further just mockup/eyeball ahead of time & see if the inside of the pulley bell will clear if you do press the cross down as far as it needs to b. A smaller WP one will cool better and a larger crank one will also and (the bigger crank one) will spin the alt faster (always needed ) and w the depths lined up the prob is as you're seeing, the interference between the two if one or both is too large. Best is large crank/small wp pulleys

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