
One of the main advantages of quench is the turbulance it creates in the mixture, effectively forcing it towards the flame front, which also helps cool the chamber. As a result, you can run higher compression that will actually detonate less then a somewhat lower compression engine without quench.

However, quenching a sl6 might indeed create compression too high for present gasses. So, if one could find a piston that has enough compression height (positive deck) to reach up into the (unmilled) head, and has an offset dish of the right size to drop compression enough, I think it would work. But...does anyone make such a piston, or does one exist that could be modified with a dish?

Its been a while since i had my hands on a slant 6 head, but i'm picturing a combustion chamber more or less like a 906 BB head. I'm still not a fan ov quench pads for building open-chamber headed quench engines, and would instead try to just mill the 'step' (the flat shallow area the quench pad would fit into) completely down until the deep part ov the chamber was now essentially a closed chamber (heh heh... hope that makes sense). That done, simply get a custom piston with whatever dish you need to make your target CR. Again, i haven't looked at a /6 chamber in a while... so i might be way out there on this... But if it works it would be better than the hokey quench pad idea. Custom pistons are considerably cheaper than they used to be.

The monkeywrench here could be that the 'step' is too deep and would necessitate decking the head far enough that the deck itself would be too thin.

Just thinking out loud here...