my understanding is the better converters slip less under light load than "budget" converters. My 9.5" Dynamics converter has a noticeable slip pulling away from a stop sign at light throttle, but by 15 mph or so, it is not noticeable. For the most part, you usually get what you pay for with converters. Not to say that some brands may be over or under rated.

Scott B. "I'm a self-made man... I started with nothing, and I still have most of it!" 68 360 rusty B'cuda 'vert (GO Fish)13.59@ 98.72 mph 69 340 GTS stock 14.18@ 95.60 mph 01 5.9L Ram 1500 Quad Cab 4x4 01 3.5L 300M 16.23@ 86.97 mph