
one word


Someone determined the "standard" foam compressed too much at higher impact speeds. Resulting in a hit nearly the same as a non-padded bar.

I love the way some folk think/assume the new rules are to make racers pay more, or to make more money for NHRA.

Most of the rules I have seen have been "safety" oriented, which means they are implemented to help reduce law suits and insurance costs to help keep race tracks open.

Kinda hard to race when insurance is too expensive to keep up, or some litigation costs a track more than it grossed in the last 10 years.

I can see that $50 of foam padding is going to keep me from racing, particularly if could keeps more tracks open by helping to control insurance costs.

Should I get some cheese to got with the whine?


I'm glad there are still people out there that $50 is pocket change to. Padding on the bars, not a problem. SFI sticker on it, $$$ in someones pocket.

Here is an email that I got from a track owner that has drag strips in three states. It might change your mind.

"The state mandates insurance regulations, not nhra or ihra and they do not vary much from one track to another.....nhra requires all sfi regulations,some of which i dont agree with...different states do require different insurance policies...premiums almost double if you are an ihra or nhra track.. thanks"