Thanks CDN72SE, Even though it might look like a lot of pictures, I wish I had taken more pictures along the way as there was much more involved and a lot I just did when I'd get going and then would think oh, dang I wish I had pictures of what it looked like before. but again thank you I do appreciate someone else enjoying the build process as I did.

gss, Thank you too, Yes, I like the look of the landau better myself and was glad that the original owner had the dealer install one so I could keep the car all "correct" as delivered to the original owner. I haven't been able to find anyone that knows WHY they didn't offer the R/T with a landau vinyl and would love to find out the reasoning behind it.

Limelite, Thank you as well, I'm very happy with the car (even though I can pick out all the flaws) and enjoy the way heads turn and comments get shouted across the parking lot as you get in it or drive by, that's the cool stuff... when others enjoy it as well!