Go ahead piss in my Wheaties, see if I care I simply responded to the OP's inquiry regarding what it was and if it's still available with a link to an older discussion containing detailed info. Followed then by more specific answers to questions about the choke control in general. I went back though this entire thread, I don't see anywhere were I advised that his car wouldn't RUN if he didn't use a choke control.

So let me see if I understand this, a mid 70's BB without a heat riser valve will get just much heat, just as quickly, at its open choke well as a 69"BB would with a functional heat riser valve at its closed choke well? Sure about that? Tell me why, with applications using a controller with the by-pass resistor, would partial choke spring heat be required throughout the full run cycle if the factory thought there was sufficient crossover heat to insure that the spring would be relaxed completely?

You doubt the existence of mid 70's heat riserless exhaust manifolds?

Never fails, whenever I get involved with detailed discussions about why things were done a certain way back in the day, there's always the debunkers. I.e. the thread linked above in response to inquires about the six pack choke mod, " Why do you even need to have a choke, just wire it open" . Sometimes I wonder why I even bother.

1972 Road Runner GTX 440 6bbl 5-speed