Glad you got the right stuff. Please don't take the following as a personal insult, although it is aimed at your car's current tune.

For all of you complaining about emissions and reto testing, a loaded car (IE, driving down the road at 25-35 MPH) should be at 4% or less. It really should be ~2.5% to be happy. The way his car is running, it's probably got black plugs and carboned up chambers. It's running like a fat pig. By making him check the emissions, he now knows that the carb needed tuning. The thing will start, run and accelerate better, get better mileage and even have the side benefit of putting out less junk. We all whine about big brother, but this is why they check.

Again, I didn't want to pick on cudalord, but running around at 7 percent is part of the reason these checks were instituted.