
I quit for over 35 years. Just pulled in yard one October and put a for sale sign on it. About 2 years ago my son wanted to build a car. We built a car just like we would have raced back in the days of muscle cars and match racing. I have so much fun out there again with my son and grandsons.

Good luck in what ever you decide to do. Remember you have friends on here and when and if you decide to go back into it remember it is just like riding a bicycle, you never forget.

It's like a small decal on my pro street car says, "inside this car is a blood borne disease for which there is no known cure, DRAG RACING.

Wow, thought I was the only one that took a 35 year hiatus. I was lucky enough to be able to retire at 57 ( now 65 )and in good health enough to be able to finally get back to what I really enjoy - albeit at a much slower pace and with my wifes help. Good luck to you, what ever you decide.

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