For what it's worth, I've been racing since 1978. I've had my ups & downs, had to slow down, change, adapt, whatever. But I always felt that despite all the work, racing has been like therapy, an escape from the rat race. It's also a physical and mental stimulant in a healthy way, not to mention meeting people and helping or being helped.

Whatever the reasons, if there is any way to keep from walking away, I'd suggest somehow staying with it to some degree. Trying to start back in the future up will be much harder, financially, physically and mentally. Trying to quit something like that can be difficult. But I don't consider it a "bad" habit anyway. I hope you make the right decision nonetheless.

Heck, in the early '90's I broke 2 engines in a year after only going to a handful of races. I had to sit out for months. I "thought" I was "ok". I was dating a girl and watching racing on TV at her house when they were showing bracket finals from Gainesville. (Forgot the name of the show.) Unknown to me, she was watching me! Then they started showing the finals that I usually qualified for from the track I always raced at, interviewing friends and fellow racers and showing their cars going down the track. Suddenly, she asked "What the heck is the matter with you?" She noticed that I had broken out in a cold sweat! My reply was "Dammit, I should be there!" I developed a new respect for people trying to quit something, usually a "bad" habit. If that wasn't a withdrawl........

Take your time and take care.
I always like Challengers. I raced one through 1998.