
I was stupid to be doing something I wasn't enjoying, especially something I paid good money to do

There are many ways to have fun and enjoy life Good luck on whatever you do

Word up , Dog !
Oooops ........another manifestation of my eternal quest to not get old.

But you nail the secret to happiness........or a big part of it.
And especially where a hobby or pastime is concerned.
Life is way too short to be engaged in something that you are not enjoying.
I've quit good paying jobs because I wasn't happy working there..........when I pulled in the parking lot of one place , my heart would sink.
When that realization hit me , I walked.
Not before I told the boss to eat some food that had already been eaten and digested........but I wasn't that polite.
And it is more true when something you do for " recreation " is involved.
Best of luck in what ever you decide , and most importantly , enjoy it.