a cheap way to prove to yourself
that the 'science' of an exhaust system
is like the 'science' of a pipe organ or flute
is to buy about a 4 foot long piece of tailpipe expanded on one end,
and clamp it onto your existing pipe tip.

Drive around with this extension
notice the drone and at what rpm it appears,
then cut off six inches
and repeat

In a similar way
if you want to use 'resonators'
and don't know where to place them
to cancel a particular drone/rpm
buy four stainless steel pipe clamps


two lengths of exhaust pipe
and a resonator
...then cut and fit the resonator into the exhaust pipe section from main muffler end to exhaust pipe tip. Start with the resonator about 2 feet from the muffler end, and go about 6 inches at a time outward

it is easier to just put a stainless steel, round six inch diameter, 16 inch long DynoMax UltraFlo muffler on as a tip....this will cure most drone

are you good with math
or have a child/friend/wife who is?

{don't laugh about the wife part...it made all the difference for Albert Einstein}

The basics of the exhaust noise math is here,
in GM's home study course for engineering:
