Thanks for the drawings, those will help immensely! Do you have one for the door windows as well?

Alan - you are a sick dude. These dang regulators look like some type of Rube Goldberg contraption to me! Lots of parts to accomplish a simple task! I put power regulators in my son's jeep in about a half an hour - I'm thinking these are a full day project - maybe a weekend. I probably would be time ahead to buy a service manual. These windows and the four speed linkage are the parts I am dreading most about putting this car back together. The four speed linkage looks pretty simple, but I am converting this car and have never seen it together to know what it is supposed to look like. What holds the rear glass in the lower channel can you just use glass glue?

Last edited by MoparKansas; 03/16/10 02:53 PM.