You want to talk about twist? Try jumping one of these cars! Back in 1998 I made a home video featuring several stunts, wrecks and jumps. I used a 75 Dart 4 door and a 74 Dart Sport. Yeah, yeah, I know that many of you guys will cringe at the thought of another classic Mopar getting destroyed, but they sure seemed easy to find back then. Anyway.. The 4 door was jumped 4 times with minimal damage. The longest jump cleared 39 feet and just over 3 feet in the air. The Dart Sport didnt fare as well. I jumped it 6 times. The final jump went over 11 feet in the air but only cleared 85 feet since it nosed over too much. I had over 650 lbs of concrete in the trunk, but the front frame rails and firewall were severely stressed from the previous 5 jumps. The spongy structure didnt provide enough spring and rebound off of the jump ramp to allow for a pancake style landing. In retrospect, I lucked out. I have since learned that landing on all fours or even a tail first landing is VERY hard on the driver of the car. I only had a stock bench seat and 3 point seat belts.