If you are new here, welcome to the site...........it is great, and you will get a lot from it. As mentioned above, it seemed that you already knew that you wanted the car, we are just offering our opinions for/against. It's ok on the Duster, in the long run you will probably make out fine, providing that you actually restore/finish it. Are you doing the work yourself? That would help offset the extra $$$......I know from my own experience that I sometimes pay more than they are worth, but in the long run I have never lost money. My '73 Roadrunner seemed high in 2004 at $1500.......it was a dry, rust free Oregon car. (see pic) Try finding one in that shape now, for that price! It's almost done, and since I did everything myself I'm sure that I made out well. My '68 Camaro SS 396 was only $1500 in 1990......guys at that time said I was nuts.........I KNOW I made out on that one, a true 396 car?? Please........a Superbee in the same shape as the Duster you are looking at.......$2500...........easy fix, new trunk, quarters...........an on and on..........the point is that if YOU feel it is a good buy, buy it........but do try to talk them down a little. That will not hurt! I believe time is on your side in this hobby, if you are a pack rat, like me. As time goes on, there are fewer and fewer unrestored musclecars, more and more rusty ones, and the prices are bound to go up on all examples. Just my