
I NEVER said I would run without front brakes. I prefer brake on all 4 corners. .........Also dont ride the person infront of you's and you wont hit them. ...........Also why would you be speeding while riding thier That itself isnt safe.

I said what I said because it sounded to me like you were actually DEFENDING old systems. I will concede, that on a light hot rod, there's no reason that drums can't be perfectly adequate.

I DO take issue with your defense of single master cylinders. Because there are so many dual masters available, there is no excuse in my book not to use them on a "new" build. I certainly don't advocate that you have to jump up, and immediately run to the shop so you can upgrade all your cars.

To set the record straight, I "wasn't" speeding, and I "wasn't" ..."riding thier "

All I was trying to point out, is, that when you run up against a modern car in a tight jam, you just might be surprised at how small that space gets in front of you

Last edited by not_a_charger; 09/25/08 07:32 PM.