Mike did a strap bolt come loose or a needle bearing get moved out of place around the perimeter if a cap was taken off & put back on. When R&R ing a ujoint both ears on that end of the shaft need to be whacked between the shaft & the half moon ujoint cap with a medium blow w a bfh to align the ears back after the ujoint caps are pressed in so. Test by moving the cross (rear)back & forth in it's plane & the front yoke (front) in both its planes & it should be free & no roughness/binding. How did our joint venture on the carb turn out?. Found out you cant send metering rods in the mail because their machines have a problem w metal even a minute amt in an envelope. We were lucky one rod showed up! they must have figured it wasn't a terrorist device & resealed the envelope & sent it on it's way.

live every 24 hour block of time like it's your last day on earth