talked to Zach at quickfuel today, he said clogged air bleeds will make the circuit siphon the fuel right out of the bowl and make the circuit rich. so those of you who said that I think you were right.

he also said that it was common for combo's like mine (small cube large carb, intake and heads) to need very large squirters to over come a hesitation at the hit. he said the air speed would be so slow at tip in that it couldn't get enough fuel. last time out I din't have any smaller intermediate bleeds than 57s. since then I have drilled out some 45s which I have in it now and some 40s just in case that isn't enough. with the air bleeds unclogged and the new itermediate bleeds it sounds a lot better and I couldn't detect any hesitation. we will be going back out saturday to give it another shot.