
Lifting is one thing slamming your brakes on is another..and quite a few of the guys i race with consider it cheating...what you would do to me at my track??...maybe losing??...

you didnt say slamming on the brakes, you said using the brakes, there is a huge difference, you said brake lights, not slamming on the brakes, you said in other posts that using the brakes is cheating, you need to keep your comments straight.

what would i do at your track? well since you have that lame duck mentality of, dial true never lift, i'd follow you up, put a tenth in my pocket, cut a decent/safe light and then play with you top end, because i could.
since i know you are going balls out and that you dont lift or hit the brakes i'll have a tenth to play with, I can make that up down track, catch you, push you out, dumping at the line... or put a fender on you and dump on you at the line.
I'd know if i caught you early that i was running fast, so i'd be ready to dump you as i'm pushing you out, if i cant catch you then i know i'm running off and i'll just push you out thinking you could be running fast, KNOWING YOU WONT LIFT, I'll expect you to break out becuase you obviously dont understand the concept of get there first without going faster then what you dialed.
then when you bought back in, I'd follow you up again and do it all over...

if you dont know how to play top end, youre a sitting duck a majority of the time.

you said about how you cant even voice your opinion if it doesnt match what others think, the problem is that youre voicing your opinion and stating something that isnt a rule, (the only thing said about brakes at the line is, no excessive braking, which is COMMON SENSE) using brakes isnt considering cheating by the majority here, hell, by everyone here except you, and when youre called out on it asking, Just to explain it, you change it saying, oh no i mean this... well thats not what you said. i'll race you in my street car, and i'll be all over my ABS brakes, Youll know i stood on it, but i didnt skid, I didnt lock them up, I just scrubbed off ET and put you on the trailer.

, just ask the people that you know are good bracket racers here on this site, Larry? Lonnie? Pat Norton? Bob George? since youre so fond of Pinks, then ask some of the winners of Pinks that are on this board, would they lift when racing handicapped? is that intelligent racing or is it cheating?