

Your cam question really can't be answered properly without having some idea of your actual CR; that's why someone brought up the issue - they were trying to help you, not harass you.

All I seek is personal experiences with the cams mentioned in the subject line with respect to a basically stock 383 HP. I have pretty much decided on the XE268. I was curious about the 274, that's why I posted...Sorry if I worded it improperly Thanks to all for info in that regard.

As far as a lecture in automotive math goes, after 33 years as a mechanic - I'm good.

It was never within the scope of this rebuild to delve into the exactness of measure...Were I to build a specialty engine, then that would surely come into play. This little 383 ran like a sewing machine, made great power, and was quiet...Its only problem was burning oil. Taper was excessive so I opted for the .030 over 10:1 flat tops from Sealed Power....That's it...All else measured fine...New bearings and gaskets, double roller chain, cam, lifters, springs and I'm done...Were it not for the oil burning issue, it would still be between the fenders!

Trust me, I do appreciate everyones input...I do not feel harassed, or defensive, or mad, or whatever...I've been doing this a LOT of years...You learn something new everyday...

