3. The font is debatable for being era correct but the white being as white as it is sure is suspect.

My guess, someone figured out you have money to throw at your toys and would be willing to pay huge for them. That he said they weren't for sale doesn't mean anything, probably just priming the pump to get you to pay whatever he thinks he can get you for.

I'm no expert on the original discs as well but I would say the font itself is a clue that these are pretty new. It comes close to the "Dodge fever" slogan font used extensively throughout the 68-69 model years but not quite. Character shape, serif hooks and kerning indicate subtle differences. The ad agencies/departments would generally utilize a finite pool of fonts along with a few custom designed display fonts to retain a consistent look or theme to the print ads, giveaways, special offers, etc. If it is custom, I've never seen this disc font used for anything else back then. Hold on to your wallet.