Originally Posted by DaveRS23
Originally Posted by rrbrucea
Yeah, it's cool with me. In some cases it's the only way I hear about shows near me, so I'm happy to get them. up

iagree It's a good way to advertise other car events. But wouldn't handing them out to people directly do a better job of getting the word out? Folks other than just the car show participants would get them.

It did get a little more involved this weekend, there were restaurant flyers as well as car event flyers. Probably a dozen or so different ones.

I Like what Old Mopraz said: It's just a piece of paper with info about other shows so it's no big deal to me. It's not like they opened the car to let a few toddlers in with ice cream & a box of Sharpies. 😂🤣

Non car related IMO is a no-no. Restaurant flyers? If it's a big out of town show MAYBE work
If it is something that bothers you PLEASE read the following

When I decided to take my business full time, I had just been laid off and had about 1K in the bank. I will mention it was limited to repairing and restoring pre 1980 vehicles. The 1K wasn't going to go very far. I clearly remember thinking I was nuts as I took about $350 of it to by a color inkjet printer. But I thought if I was going to make flyers for the business, they had to speak for the business and B&W wasn't gonna hack it. So I proceeded and spent quite a bit of time learning how to do so.
We went to the first local show and I sat in the truck intimidated at the thought as I felt like I was asking for a handout. My wife sensing this grabbed a stack and started walking penguinwalk. I thought if she can do it so can I. We came home with two new customers up At the smaller shows I would take both cars with a Small table set up between them with flyers and business cards.
Somewhere along the way I stopped as the business had grown to the point I no longer needed to do so. I eventually was supporting 4 full time employees. That was partly because of the flyers wink
At the beginning I made a commitment to myself that as soon as I had enough business and a bit of reserve I would drop unemployment. That happened within 6 weeks due to the Flyers. I could have stayed on it for at least 6-9 months but that is not what it's for IMO.
Occasionally people would stop me and ask for one, I would hand them one and say "I'm just trying to stay off public assistance" 😉.

In the 1 or so years (?) I papered interiors I only had ONE J-O get excited about it (he was a Ford Guy as well ?). During that time I'll guess I probably distributed 7500 flyers maybe more shruggy. 1 out of 7500? That might say something about the individual shruggy The cars I could remember having previously done, I did not do again. I also had a few that said "hey I've already got several in my glove box" to which I'd reply I'll give you.03 apiece as they cost me ~ about .05 cents LOL. I'd try to remember not to do them again.

So, I'd like to ask those that are upset by it, think about what the person, business or organization my be struggling with smile and remember it's just a piece of paper I hope this was not offensive to anyone and if so I apologize. It's just looking from the other side of the fence beer
