Thanks guys! That video was very informative and while 485 Hp isn’t 707 it is still pretty impressive. I’m torn between an older a or b-body hot rod and a newer muscle car. I love the looks and visceral experience of driving an old car but where I live is so far from shows, cars and coffee, etc. I’d really like to have something I can drive a longer distance. The reliability and comfort of some older rigs is suspect…the new cars have air conditioned seats!!!

I have always loved those two seat AMXs - I don’t regret selling my roadrunner though, I probably could have gotten more for it (based on the asking prices I see) but it went to a good home and is appreciated which is important to me.

The scat packs nearby are quite a bit less expensive, newer, and have the same interior options as the hellcat…there is a green one with a shaker hood in Grant’s Pass that has 450 miles on it! It’s a beaut too. I love green cars, you never see them.