
I rarely stop in here anymore, but I just happened by and thought I would add my story.

Being under the impression that they were only going to make about 2000, shake_head and that only the Jay Lenos of the world would end up with one, I wrote a stupidly big check in 2015 to be the first kid on the block with a B5 blue 6-speed. The pain of that spend has been long-forgotten, and I continue to have the most fun I have ever had behind the wheel of a motor vehicle. I think surviving my foolish younger years doing stupid stuff in muscle cars [and living through it] was a qualification prelim for owning this car. Yeah, everyone thinks they are an "above average" driver [which of course is a statistical impossibility], but this car's abilities, and its third pedal, can generate a humbling experience for most folks.

Taking the car on Big Willow is most satisfying, even though most folks would think a 4500 pound street car has no business there.

Most folks would be mistaken.

My Youtube channel is Heckcat.

12 seconds of immaturity

Playing around with an F12

Video description for the F12 video:

Ride along in a 6-speed Hellcat (a 4500lb street car), as it runs on the "Big Willow" track at Willow Springs.

All of my in-car videos are best viewed on the larger screen of a desktop, laptop, or tablet. A cell phone screen will not show the detail of the speedometer, the G-force screen, or the inset alternate camera views.

About the day: This was filmed at Fall Fling Speed Festival on a windy and chilly day in November 2022. The event is promoted by AllTime Racing (www.alltimeracing.com), and is a Track Day, and NOT a race. Passing is only supposed to occur in three select areas of the track. For various reasons, not all cars seen are being driven full-out at any given point in time. These events are pleasantly laid-back, and a load of fun.

About this clip:
We pick up the action mid-afternoon, when I do a handful of laps with Robert, as he tosses his F12 Ferrari around the track. The careful viewer will note the sudden appearance of an errant chunk of track in turn 2 during this clip. We were both aware of it and easily steered clear, but leveler heads prevailed, and they shut the track down for some hasty repairs.

Down to just a blue car now.