i got to thinking hard about this the other day, and i have come to the conclusion it's time for me to bail on selling "stuff".
i got to looking at all the boxes and packing material i have gathered over all these years, and the space this takes up, and i think i'm done.
shipping is outrageous, e-bag is a ripoff, and when i figure in all my effort to box up, [which i take great care to insure no damage occurs] i figure i might just as well toss everything, as in the end, i have WAY more effort in the deal than it's worth.
i think most know i never toss ANYTHING, but as much as it pains me, [growing up around depression era aunts and uncles instilled in me the "that could be used for something someday, so i better keep it....." mentality] i think mr. scrap man is going to get quite a few visits coming up.
as my one good buddy goes to carlisle every year, i will probably have him take a few things to "fire sale" dump, and i may take a few pictures and list here for carlisle pickup, but that's it.
i started to toss shipping supplies the other day, and what a workout THAT was ! mr. garbage man will be pi$$ed at me for at least a couple of weeks, as i will be crowding my limit for the weekly pickup.
then there are the BOXES of used wiring harnesses................[and to think of all the times they have come in handy for repairing a harness without resorting to butchery.....]