On the one month anniversary (June 20th - July 20th) My Doctor cleared me to go back to work - starting with 1/2 days, going to see him in 2 weeks for a check up and should get the all clear!
I was cleared to drive a week ago, been taking it slow though. Only short trips at a time.
The one thing that really threw me for a loop was going to the grocery store a few days ago.
About 1/2 way through the store I became really light headed. I figured out right away I was looking up, down, left - right, focusing in and out looking at labels etc.
I slowed it way down and just walked to where i knew where stuff was, put it in the cart, checked out and got to my truck to take a break.
It cleared up pretty quick so I was ok to drive home.
We take for granted how much information the brain is taking in at one time, and with the brain slowly healing this was a warning to take it slow - lesson learned!!
I am so very fortunate the EMT's got me to the ER as quick as they did and the ER nurses and Docs worked their magic on me, and to all of the nurses and Docs in the stroke ward....they were amazing.
Still seeing cardiologist and going through physical therapy - and taking much better care of myself!! It's a helluva lot better than the alternative!!
Stay well everyone and take care of yourselves!!


Last edited by wkroncke17; 07/21/22 08:40 AM.