Wow. Some crazy stories here, thanks everyone. I truly feel for the ones that are worse off or lord forbid the ones that didn’t make it.
I had appointments today with the neurologist and cardiologist - both went extremely well.
Most importantly they explained everything to me in terms I could understand, and answered every question we asked.
Neurologist gave me the all clear, will go back in 2 months.
Cardiologist is having me wear a heart monitor for a week and ordered some blood tests and possibly a different type of test or 2…..
Physical therapy has been rigorous but very rewarding because I’m feeling the results.
A lot of balance and stamina work.
Maybe I’ll push myself, keep losing weight and eating healthy and get back on the ice to start playing hockey again! 🤪
Again, thank you everyone for the well wishes and support. Much appreciated.
Stay well all!
