Forgot to mention earlier I had a 49 YO Customer experience a stroke 15 or so years back while we were talking about doing some work to his Camaro. He suddenly said I'm not feeling right. I was going to get him a stool but instead caught him as he was falling. He of course insisted he was OK laying on the floor. I said you are going to the closest ER one of two ways: In My truck or in an ambulance. We called 911. He suffered a pretty good stroke that would have been much worse had we not gotten him to the ER as quickly as we did.
For Everyones Information:
The first hour is extremely critical with regards to the severity of the outcome, and the sooner one gets treatment the better their recovery chances are. They also say that calling 911 is better than transporting the person yourself as they will contact the ER and they will prep for the patient. That may not apply to those farther away from an ER but in that situation at least call ahead to whichever ER you are going to wink