Thank you everyone for the stories, advice, and I’m extremely grateful for the well wishes.
I played hockey most my life, was always in good shape. After having both hips replaced, and a couple knee surgeries, I stopped playing and didn’t pay any attention to my waistline……which expanded. 😖
I’ve lost 15 pounds in 2 weeks and planning on more as my wife has done nothing but take care of me and done everything to make us healthier.
I feel really good today and have only a bit of light headedness.
For all of you with any question of health at all, just get to a doctor. PLEASE!
I’m done with the tough guy act. Anything I notice that may not feel right, I’m going in.
We all have way too may good days ahead of us.
The Demon is on hold for now, but I’ll be sure to let everyone know when I finally get it to the drag strip.
Pic below is of me in ‘85 after winning High School drag night, been a long time since I’ve raced it.
Stay well everyone!,

