[quote=71TA]So 3 days in I went to a CVS Urgent Care which was one of only 1800 places in the country that was giving out the Covid antiviral drugs, Paxlovid. Gotta get it within 5 days of symptoms. The antivirals are suppoosed to stop the virus from replicating and thus lessen the symptoms. But IF what I had would have been worse without taking those 3 horse pills twice a day, I don't know that I'd be here typing this cause I was still darn sick. I've had Pneumoinia a few times and still worked. Once when I had Pneumonia for a couple weeks I went to urgent care and they wanted to call an ambulance to take me to ER. I told them I CANT AFFORD THAT. I have a brutally high deductible and walking thru the ER doors is $5000!!!!!!! HEALTH CARE / HOSPITALS are a rip off. 99% are condescending and look at you like a Ferrari payment not a human.

Anyway I tested negative for Covid after 1 week of mostly sleepless nights taking Ibuprophen for the terrible headaches (my PA daughter said to switch between Ibuprophen (Motrin) and Acetaminophen (Tylenol) every 4 hours) and constantly spitting my own salivia because I could NOT even swallow that let alone food and drink was excruciating. I stayed away from work/family for another week.

I got a perscription of Amoxicxylin (SP?) because I was sure I had Step Throat (have had that many times before). I took the whole corse of antibiotics (like you're supposed to)

Bad thing is that this Omicron has so many variants that we are all gonna get it and many variants many times like the different strains of flu. Most people dont die from the flu but a lot do. Think this Omicron will be the new EXTRA, YEAR ROUND "flu" and it will be more deadly than the flu because it's new to our bodies.

My PA daughter in the ER says people say "I wish I had go the shot" just before they die. Kinda late then cause as bullet proof as we all think we are, we're not.

They say that because they are dying and only because they are dying. Some die without the the shot and some die because of the shot.

1970 Duster
Edelbrock headed 408
422 Indy headed small block
5.982@112.56 mph

Livin and lovin life one day at a time