We've had it 3x now. First time was mid-Feb. 2020 (before anybody in the US had it..............supposedly), then we all got Delta last summer in early Aug. - WE FELT LIKE CRAP for 2 weeks ea! Then in November, one of my daughters got the Omicron - REALLY bad sore throat, low grade fever, feeling crappy - but not as bad as the Delta - none of the rest of us caught it from her. Then about 5 weeks ago, we all got Omicron AGAIN! Mine felt like a bad cold with a low grade fever for 4 days. Did not lose our smell or taste, a little cough but no real chest congestion, headaches, body aches, runny nose & sneezing. We all got over that. For the Delta & this last time around, I self-treated with Ivermectin, zinc, Quercetin, & various vitamins. Ivermectin definitely helps. We have not been vaxxxxxxxed. We know LOTS of people who have gotten Covid at least once, & some 2-3x & they are fully vaxxxed. The vaccines do not help at all I'm convinced.

The other thing that is quite peculiar, is once you've had it, you do not seem to be much immune to getting it again. They did a GREAT job engineering this virus! Totally successful!

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