My youngest brother lost his 59 year old wife to Covid when she tested positive and was in a severely overwhelmed Houston Methodist hospital in January. My brother was told that they would check her into a bed in the Covid section for observation, but that first night with no message to him, they put her on a ventilator, she vomited with it going into the lungs, organs started shutting down, brain waves showed a hopeless situation, and he had to make the decision to turn off the ventilator. Strangely when he got her death certificate it did not have Covid listed as either cause of, or contributor to, death.

Other family members who travel a lot have gotten Covid twice.

My sister who is the medical area has been exposed many times has never tested positive.
Her husband who has treated hundreds of Covid patients, including patients who were found to be positive after he delivered their baby, did not get Covid until the day after his mother’s funeral, who died from non-covid heart failure.

I have not had covid that I could detect any symptom of.

My 92 year old mother, disabled by 3 strokes, has not had detectable Covid, but just recently is facing pacemaker malfunction.

Although I am self educated on viral genetics,
I feel I can make a “good guess” how to modify specific genes on Covid
to make it spread easier, and also how to make it much more deadly.

My guess is that at a minimum 100,000+ people on earth also now know how to make Covid easier to spread AND more deadly,
That is bad to think about.
I guess it is also true about Smallpox, the only disease presently “wiped out.”

On the upside
knowledge about how to create vaccines has been rapidly advanced by all that has happened.
General medical knowledge of how to treat illness has advanced.