So I'm a hater because facts and figures lead to a conclusion that you don't like? And you respond with juvenile name calling rather than with facts and figures that would support your position.

You love your choice of truck and that's fine. But emotions aside, in the cold light of objectivity it is not the best choice for most people. And time may tell that in fact it is a very poor choice. After all, that has happened before, hasn't it?

Surely you are not suggesting that it is only diesels that can do your "crawl from the desert through the mountains getting into San Diego"? I'll just bet that there are more gas engines doing that very job than there are diesels.

And one final question, if the Ecodiesel was so superior to the 5.7 gas for towing, why does the manufacturer only have a 900lb difference in capacity between them? That is less than an 8% difference.

Enjoy your choice in engines and I hope it works out for you.

Master, again and still