Here is a link to the EcoDiesel forum about fuel economy/costs. Bottom line is that for most drivers, the diesel will cost more to operate year in and year out. The fuel usually costs more, there's DEF, the oil changes are much more expensive, fuel filters, and any repairs that the diesel may need are usually much more expensive. And let's not forget that the diesel option is thousands more than the gas engine. Now, if this version of the diesel turns out to be a good engine then at least some of that cost may be recovered at trade time. But if not, then it could cost the owner even more money.

If you do a lot of towing or drive a truck lots of miles, the EcoDiesel could make financial sense, unless of course it doesn't turn out to be any better than it's predecessor in the long run. But for most of us, the EcoDiesel will be more expensive to drive than it's gas counterparts.

As to the Op's original question on reliability, this version is clearly better than the original model. But the original has a very poor reliability record so being better is not saying much. This version has only been out a couple of years, so the jury is still out on it.

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