When I was about 19 years old, I had just finished swapping a built 440 into my formerly 318 powered Charger. Also went from 2.76 open gears to 3.23 Sure Grip. You can tell where this is going... One night I was showing off at a stoplight. Hammered the throttle, boiled off the tires for about 500 feet before the rear end got out from under me. I ended up spinning that car around 180 degrees before smacking it into a curb. If there had been oncoming tragic, it could have been much much worse. All it really did to the car is bust a tire off the rim and bend the lower control arm bore of the K-frame. The body came out intact. After that I was much more reserved with the thrortle. For the most part I was a straight arrow growing up. Very responsible which is why I think my folks let me invest in all that horsepower. Looking back on that story, I can't believe they let me without stronger considerations. I could have and almost did kill myself. Unfoutunatly, Z06 guy didn't get that second chance.