Since this motor is likely just a trick pony for weekend fun I would up the oil. I run 40 weight. Idle is I think 35lbs or 40 lbs. On start up and a bit of RPM over 100 till it get hot then usually has to 10 to 15 lbs per 1000 RPM. I like oil pressure with the proper Pump and Oil pan and I also like quantity in that oil pan. I never run a stock pan the pump could suck it dry at top RPM putting the oil all in the heads. The race motor has all kind of oil pressure pegs the 150 lbs on the gauge has return lines and a dual swing pick up and 14 quarts of oil in that pan. I also has an Actuator that can pump oil in the motor before start up and is activated when the oil drops before a certain number of lbs.

Now getting back to your motor ran into a problem like this with a family members hemi. Rebuilt motor that had 20K on it by a known Alky Funny Car racer. Put it in and low oil pressure like 11 lbs hot at Idle. Shimmed the spring in the pump, was running 40 weight, tried about everything you could thing of. Ended up pull the motor. While on the crane I said let pull the pan before we set it down on it. Pull the pan checked a ton of stuff mostly via site. I see a stamp on the Pan Rail. M 1.5. I tell him the crank is down from the factory and lets pull a bearing right now. Pull a cap and it was standard bearings. So Add 1.5 to the normal stock clearances and that is why we had no oil pressure. I was P@ssed. I had a 10 10 crank and took the motor to him and he pulled the crank and used my crank and he supplied the 10 10 bearing no charge. So so some fine tuning with the oil and if that does not solve things check to see if the thrust bearing is correct and go on from their.