Originally Posted by TJP
thanks for the replies,
I think I'll hang with 10 for awhile.
I'm also also wondering if previously "PURCHASED" programs will work (Office, Word, outlook) or if they will push you into a subscription for office 365 which i think is total money grubbing BS popcorn

Everything came along for the ride with the Win 11 update. All I lost was my Windows 7 games for Windows 10. I lose those at every major update anyway, I just reinstall, the registry settings aren't purged so your game settings and history are still there.

I resisted 365 too, this Win 10 machine has Office 2019. We use the 365 subscription for $99.00 / year for 6? 6 computers I think? Along with 1 terrabyte storage on onedrive seems like a good deal to me considering dropbox wants $99 for their lowest level plan?

Win 11 desktop attached, open shell menu on the left, Win 11 start menu in the middle per the default setting. Stardock deskscapes running animated wallpaper similar to Windows Vista ultimate.

Screenshot (Medium).png

'68 Fury Convertible
'69 300 Convertible
'15 Durango 5.7 Hemi
'16 300 S Hemi