I actually have come to enjoy the show quite a bit...In the beginning it was a little rougher but that was because I believe Mark or a non professional was producing it. The first few seasons had a lot of drama between a few main cast members but since they departed the show, it has become much more enjoyable to watch. I konw sometimes Mark likes to joke around and use cheesy quotes but I think it just adds to the show most of the time. Kinda like the show, "the office"...if you didn't like that show, you probably wont like this one. I konw some folks may not enjoy marks antics but at least you konw he doesn't take himself to serious. I like that he is committed to providing quality restorations of mopars whether it is oe style or modified. I konw that sometimes he makes some mistakes on what he says but Tony in the captions will correct him smile At the end of the day, there is no other shows going this indepth on any Chrylser products. There are tons of Ford and Chevy cars but not anywhere near that amount of mopar. I understand that not everyone likes the show but what is the alternative ? No mopar show ? Or a resttoration show just like every other show which features all makes ? I know in the more recent seasons , Mark has toned down the antics and tried to tailor the episodes to what viewers have requested. I will keep watching the show for as long as it is on.

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