Originally Posted by formula_s
Originally Posted by Fat_Mike
Originally Posted by formula_s
Originally Posted by formula_s
Tony, I won't ask what you're paying to have your car done but what is the turn around time??


If you're interested why not call Mark? No two jobs are apples to apples, so Tony's turn around time is likely to be different than yours.

Real turn around time is 7-9 years, yeah you read that right ,7-9 YEARS . My friends car has been there 6 1/2 years and that A 12 car featured recently was there since season 2 which was 9 years ago.

So you already had the answer you wanted.
Maybe if you didn't have a hidden agenda and asked the question more completely, like "how long was your car there total?", you would have gotten a different answer.
I took your question as how long did the restoration take, not how long has it been there.

Dave's A12 Bee has been done for well over a year maybe 2. But i agree it was still too long.
Do you also know how much the restorations cost?
ALOT less then just about any other shop would have charged.