I think I’d take my money and invest it in the stock market. You can make way more with less trouble, control the taxes with how you go about it, and not be getting into uncharted waters late in life. You can get by with little understanding of it if you just stick with a few etfs. You need to do something with a business that you understand and the business will not work out if you are depending on other people to run it.

I bailed on landlording after 20 years. Growing up in a family that did a lot of that, I started already having the lay of the land. It got steadily worse as society has crumbled. The lower end of the scale has gotten so disgusting and entitled it’s hard to describe how hard it is to get a good tenant. Even ones that start good hit a wall after 18-24 months. My right hand guy didn’t believe me until after a few years of seeing it play out. Something just snaps inside people at that interval. He eventually started having failing health and without my buddy I said enough is enough.

I want my fair share