The main question you need to ask yourself is do you want to own a Business or own a JOB.
If you have to be there for the day to day operations, or are doing the physical labor, you own a job and these businesses usually do not sell for much, no matter what you see on
I sold my auto repair business in 2004 and the ONLY way I was able to sell it was to have systems in place where I did not need to be there for it to operate.
If you are wanting to own a BUSINESS then I highly recommend you read (and reread multiple times) the E Myth by Michael Gerber.
Also "follow your passion" when starting, or looking to buy a business is 100% the WORST ADVICE YOU CAN EVER GET. Yes I am typing in caps to make this point.
You have to create serious value for your customers and nobody gives a crap about your "passion".
I would also highly recommend looking up David C Barnett and taking his business buyers advantage course. He is probably the best business buying and selling coach I have ever seen.
Good luck