Reading some reply’s it seems there are two different opinions on why to buy from North America;
-Patriotism to keep folks here in work, and
-Fear of buying an inferior product.

If the first is your concern, good luck with purchasing almost everything, many a country other than China make goods sold in your local stores. As a matter of fact, finding a true “made in the USA” or “Canada” may be at or near impossible, as mentioned, made is in the USA is often disguised and assembled, partly assembled, sticker placed on it, or an outright fraudulent rebox.

If the second is your concern, China, as well as many other countries, including the US and Canada, are fully capable of producing some very high quality items. Poor quality is usually the result of the brand accepting inferior quality to maximize profit or to beat the other guys price point.

I try to live by case number 1 but on the same token I’m not willing to purchase an inferior product for the same or higher price, just to say it’s made in country X. Far beyond price I consider quality (as best can be determined through research) as how something holds up over time, or performs a function, reliably, makes my life easier and reduces work.

Not trying to sway anyone or state right and wrong, but something to think about