Unless I can prove to myself something is made 100% in the USA, I'm not gonna pony up the extra $$$$. Why? Long time ago I was getting part time jobs thru a temp agency. One of these part time jobs I was hired out to was to change the packaging on the product to show PROUDLY MADE IN THE USA instead of Made in China. That was my job for two days (honestly don't remember the company, it was some kind of swamp cooler).

Not saying this happens a lot (or even at all with bigger companies) but the whole experience soured me on 'buying American' just based on a sticker. Another variation to this that I've seen was the BOX being 'Made in the USA' but the contents were 100% China made.

Do a little research before spending the extra $$$$ is all I'm saying.



The dream is dead, long live the dream.......😥