
OK, so I took the shaft off, cleaned up the offending rocker on #7 exhaust, (set the lash) and put it back together. Ran it down the road a few miles, came back, took it apart and now the #4 exhaust rocker has no oil. #7 is fine, but now its #4.

Can too short of pushrods, ie too many threads of the adjuster below the rocker cause this problem? Ive known my pushrods are on the short side, about 6 1/2 threads sticking out below the rocker.

Also, how much oil should the top of the motor be getting? With the motor running, rev'd to 3k or so, there sure doesnt appear to be much oil getting to the top. Its been like this since it was put together. 650 street miles, 16 or so passes. I dont have any restrictors or anything anywhere?

61/2 threads showing IS WAY TOO MUCH, you are closing
off the oil port in the adjuster.... unless yours
have a hole in the rocker that squirts oil at the
pushrod cup(you would see it on the under side of
the rocker)
Either way 6 1/2 threads showing is WAY TOO MUCH
and your side loading the adjuster and I'm surprised
you havent broke them by now