Originally Posted by DirectSubjection
Originally Posted by jcc

Would it be feasible and somewhat enforceable to make the show and swap meet aisles "One-Way", with passing allowed?

Good luck making someone who just bought a fender walk 1.5 aisles to get to the exit instead of turn around and go back out the 1/2 aisle the way they came laugh2

I see your point, after walking miles of aisles for days to score a 50? year old rusted fender for a few bucks, walking across an aisle to the next one just to facilitate the flow of pedestrian traffic for the rest of the day for thousands, would be a bridge too far, I forget, this is a mopar get off my lawn crowd. biggrin

Seriously, if wearing a mask is infringing figuratively on one's rights during a pandemic, requiring crowds to walk one direction on an open air aisle is just a potential spark for a riot I suspect.

Reality check, that half the population is smarter then 50% of the people and it's a constantly contested fact.