Thanks, If you were close it would be the risk to travel for a plate full. Idk who gp jones is, yet I'll take it as a compliment. That was one of the best I've made, and best I've had anywhere else. I plan to chop some up to make hash and eggs tonight.
I've been cooking out doors since boy scout days, honing skills in various ethnic foods as well as our good ol' usa regional stuff too. I'm so into it I have several methods and apparatus to bbq/spit/pit, also have a hi btu wok burner and nice camp chef that's used year round. Since wife's knee surgury feb 3 I've done most of the cooking about 30% outdoor, she said I have to cook from here out. I agreed provided she does the mowing, tilling and vehicle maintenance. She deciden not.
I think once we're done with this mess family and friends will be having a large family get together with each attendee doing their own favorite outdoor fare.