I wish I was locked down, lol. Had a job up in Dumas yesterday, 5+ hour drive just to get there. My job is considered essential and I have a letter to that effect from corporate for what good that may do. If it doesn't work then I'll just expense out the fines or have corporate send an attorney to deal with it.

I have been running into a couple of situations where some customers have a health questionnaire they want you to fill out and sign regarding symptoms and where you've been. Legal says I don't have to do that and its most likely illegal to ask. My privacy outweighs your butt covering. If you want to take my temp when get there or send me home if I got a cough, fine.

Had to ship my work laptop off for IT work, eyes, so I took the Cambridge out to The Shipping Point and off it went. Lots of roundtuits getting done as well. I see that's common in this thread as well. Took a weeks vacation next week so I plan, of mice and men comes to mind, to get the Cuda to the point of at least being a roller, finish sorting out the garage so that I can actually work in it productively.

I have other plans for the week, but we'll see how it goes. Might see if I can get my son a couple days to hang out with and work on things with me.