Originally Posted by Dean_Kuzluzski
I use 2 machinists. One local that does mostly commercial/construction repair & automotive. He'll tell you straight out it's not a race shop. I pay his price & don't complain. Usually done in 1-2 weeks. Last week, dropped off a 2 cyl set of sleeves, pistons and upper block, something he previously said over a year ago, he never does, after his approval to take it on, he called to pick it up in less than a week.
Pressed out sleeves, bored, honed, pressed sleeves, machined surface of deck & head......$290. Seemed a tad high, but I just paid the bill and trusted his word & work.
2nd machinist is farther away, does more extensive work & takes his time. I got worried & dropped in on him. My stuff was on the bench & partially done (In progress). Which was good enough for me considering the beauty of the work & I don't want a rushjob. When he's done with that project, I got a block for him next.

I'd think all that would ruin at least 3 hours. $290 seems pretty reasonable to me.
