Against all odds, I've run into a couple of guys here in northern Idaho who I've been real happy with:
One was Lee Sixt (now retired), who was half of the Beebe & Sixt TF deal back in the '60s. He just loved that I'd worked with Kent Fuller, I guess, but his work was spot-on, reasonably priced, and pretty much on time.
The guy I've used since Lee retired is not inexpensive, but fanatical about detail & accuracy, and also pretty much on time, depending on how busy he is.
My theory is to be friendly, respectful, but upfront about expectations, look around the shop, get the expected costs & timelines, and don't grind on the money.
Only time that didn't work was with a well-known SoCal racer/engine guy, whose 1st build for me was excellent, but the 2nd was a $10,000 time-bomb that was horrible.
The post-mortem on the thing (3 easy passes) was so full of screwed-up stuff that my buddies still want to kick his a** 20 years later.